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Monsoon season in Arizona can bring cooler temps, along with high winds, flash floods

Monsoon season in Arizona can bring cooler temps, along with high winds, flash floods

High winds and dust storms can affect air quality, driving conditions, and can increase the chance of contracting water-borne illnesses. 
Blueberries declared official fruit of Major League Pickleball

Blueberries declared official fruit of Major League Pickleball

Recently, the U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council announced they are now the first-ever produce commodity to partner with Major League Pickleball, to reach a growing base of pickleball fans. Blueberries have long been celebrated for their nutritional benefits and delicious flavor.
Financial advice: Mid-year financial pulse check

Financial advice: Mid-year financial pulse check

By practicing mindful spending and understanding your spending patterns, you can make more informed financial decisions. A debt review is important to see your whole financial picture.
Monsoon season sweeps in creepy crawlers

Monsoon season sweeps in creepy crawlers

Scorpions will find their way into a house during monsoon season through openings where home foundations meet stucco walls. As rain occurs, Phoenicians can expect to see these critters crawling across the floor or hiding in shoes and piles of debris.
Juneteenth: A moment of reflection, celebration, rededication

Juneteenth: A moment of reflection, celebration, rededication

This Juneteenth, let us dedicate ourselves anew to the values this day stands for. Let us be motivated by our history to propel forward our mission, honoring those who fought for freedom and justice by continuing their legacy through our actions. Let’s reflect on how we can each contribute to building a world where diversity is accepted and celebrated, every individual is valued for who they are, and every community can thrive.
Men’s Health Month: How to tailor your vitamins to your needs

Men’s Health Month: How to tailor your vitamins to your needs

There are a variety of factors, like age and lifestyle, to consider when choosing vitamins and tailoring them to your needs. Maintaining a routine can keep your life at balance and keeping these in mind can help you feel and look your best.
Mom, Interrupted: 'The Dude's Edition' for Father's Day

Mom, Interrupted: 'The Dude's Edition' for Father's Day

As we were approaching Father’s Day weekend, I started to pay particularly close attention (while at Disneyland last week) to all the guys in the park and realized you can guess a lot of what’s going on with a fellow by knowing their stage in life. 
Spotting the signs: How to prevent elder financial abuse

Spotting the signs: How to prevent elder financial abuse

Saturday, June 15 is World Elder Abuse Day. Here's some advice and how to spot elder abuse scams.
Pet Behavior Solutions: Use of ultrasonic devices in dog training

Pet Behavior Solutions: Use of ultrasonic devices in dog training

Remember, while it may be an effective deterrent for your dog based on your observations of its effect on your dog’s behavior, other animals in proximity will hear it and have their own reactions. Please be considerate of other animals when deciding where and when to use this device. There are many training devices and options available to dog owners and careful consideration should be given to each option.
Men’s Health Month: Personal growth is wealth

Men’s Health Month: Personal growth is wealth

There is so much value in learning how to identify mental and emotional barriers, foster accountability and guide oneself towards progress. These skills help unlock successful personal growth to help lead a mentally healthier life.