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Mom, Interrupted: I fought the algorithm, and the algorithm won

Mom, Interrupted: I fought the algorithm, and the algorithm won

According to Facebook you should have noticed a distinct feeling of ease because The Mighty FB Algorithm rescued you from me, and I’m betting you didn’t even know you were in danger. Well, two can play at this game, O Mighty Facebook: I’m not sure I like you very much right now, either.
Queen Creek needs your vote for Prop 479 this November

Queen Creek needs your vote for Prop 479 this November

Proposition 479 will fund the next generation of transportation projects, including the permanent expansion of the State Route 24. These improvements will have a generational impact enhancing connectivity, reducing traffic congestion, and furthering public safety by ensuring first responders can get to us as quickly as possible.
Pet Behavior Solutions: EduCare activities, brain health for dogs

Pet Behavior Solutions: EduCare activities, brain health for dogs

These primary life skills, or Executive Function Training, is our focus. Not only do these skills promote good behavior but did you know they actually promote better brain health? It is all about neuroplasticity.
School attendance is a powerful predictor of student success

School attendance is a powerful predictor of student success

To help students develop good attendance habits we’re starting the year with a “First 20-Day Attendance Challenge.” The first 20 days of school are essential in setting good attendance habits. Research shows that having a routine and structure is crucial for student success. It helps students manage their time better, get organized, and develop healthy habits like regular sleep, which leads to success in the classroom.
2024 home design trends in the Valley

2024 home design trends in the Valley

Using these tips can transform your space without the need for a large budget. From mixing tones to mixing metals, there are always ways to spice up your home with simple changes. Implementing these trends is sure to brighten up your space.
ADHS: Hydration is key to preventing heat-related illnesses, heat-related deaths

ADHS: Hydration is key to preventing heat-related illnesses, heat-related deaths

Proper hydration helps your body regulate its temperature, eliminate waste and keep your mind functioning well. Not getting enough water can have real effects on your health – when your body becomes dehydrated, you can begin suffering from heat-related illnesses, and if left untreated, it can even lead to death.
Empowering tomorrow's leaders: Engaging youth in community service

Empowering tomorrow's leaders: Engaging youth in community service

Through volunteering at Rafi’s Hope, you’ll meet a diverse range of people from our own Arizona neighborhoods, understanding their challenges and contributing to solutions. You'll also get the chance to lead projects—from community cleanups to fundraisers—gaining confidence and leadership skills along the way.
Keeping your pets safe during Fourth of July festivities

Keeping your pets safe during Fourth of July festivities

Fireworks can cause severe anxiety for our pets. Between July 4 and July 6, more pets are lost than any other time of year and local shelters become overwhelmed with the amount of strays entering their doors. With the Fourth of July quickly approaching, the Arizona Animal Welfare League recommends taking the following precautions to ensure your pet’s safety during this holiday week and weekend.
Fighting brain drain is a critical component of a well-spent summer break

Fighting brain drain is a critical component of a well-spent summer break

Whether you decide to go out or stay home, there are plenty of ways to combat brain drain this summer. Give children the means to retain the valuable information they learned during the school year, and you’ll set them up for success. The better equipped children are in their formative academic years, the better they’ll be able to navigate life’s challenges
Financial advice: Talk to your family about wealth transfer

Financial advice: Talk to your family about wealth transfer

While the benefits of having wealth-transfer and estate-planning discussions are clear, starting the conversations can be tricky. You need to show that you want to initiate these talks because you’re concerned that proper plans need to be in place and understood by everyone involved. If you have a good relationship with your parents, you should be able to start these conversations, but you’ll still need to be sensitive when bringing up the subject.