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Happy Halloween: ADOT spins haunted tale about scary traffic tonight

The "trick" is allowing extra time and an early start home for "treats."

One of the scariest things when Halloween falls on a weekday is the ghoulish drive home as trick-or-treaters hit local streets tonight, especially during the witching hours of 4 to 6 p.m.

The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) is offering motorists the following tips this Halloween:

  • If possible, try to get an earlier start home in the afternoon to avoid the scream inducing traffic. They call that extra drive time the “IT” factor.

  • Be patient and recognize there’s no magic spell that can turn the traffic frog into a prince: the trick is knowing it’s likely to take longer to get home. This is no time to lose your head.

  • Don’t let down your guard down when you’re nearing those treats at home. Remember: young versions of Barbie and Ken, Buzz Lightyear, and those too-old-to-be-trick-or-treating teenagers will be crossing streets in your neighborhood and might not be paying attention.

The Halloween commute certainly can be a curse. Not to mention there’s baseball to be played. Speaking of going batty - ADOT hopes the Texas Rangers turn into pumpkins this week and learn “it’ll all be over soon.” Wouldn’t that be a better reason to howl at the moon?

ADOT wants you to be around to tell the cryptic tale all over again next year, when Halloween falls on a Thursday.