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Starting your life after graduation

Channel the dedication you’ve shown through your academic years into finding the right career that feeds your passion and aligns with your long-term goals. Seize opportunities to gain experience and turn your dreams into a reality using careful planning into a successful and fulfilling career.

You’ve worked hard for several years. You’ve spent countless hours doing homework, nights upon nights up late cramming for exams, and made a lot of sacrifices. And now, it’s over. You’ve graduated. What now?

Now is the time to decide what you want to do with all that arduous work and set yourself up for a successful career.

Celebrate it

Graduating college is an accomplishment – a big one. So, take a moment to breathe. Reflect on your journey and the knowledge and growth that came from it. Now, do something for yourself to celebrate. Do you want to have a party with all your close family and friends that supported you along the way, or a trip to commemorate your achievement? Whatever you decide on, make it something memorable for yourself before you embark on your next task.

Map it out

After a celebration, think about what you need to do next. Draw out a map of milestones that you need to achieve to obtain your desired career. What skills are necessary to fulfill the obligations for the job? What field experience does the position require? Are you planning to move to an area where your desired industry is located? There are many things to consider and plan on the path toward your dream career. A carefully thought-out plan will help make that path easier and more likely to follow.

Refine your skills

You’ve gained a wealth of knowledge that prepared you for your upcoming career, but are your skills refined and ready for it? If you’ve never had a job, working to increase your customer service, money handling, conflict resolution, or any other skill you may need may be essential in landing the dream job. This is also the time to build a resume worthy of hiring. Any experience relating to your field is going to make you more hirable. Remember to highlight any special accomplishments or references you can rely on for an added point of attraction to potential employers.

Prepare your finances

To prepare your finances effectively, start by assessing your income, expenses and financial goals. Building an emergency fund to manage any unforeseen expenses is essential. Ensure you’re living within your means by not stretching your budget beyond income. Additionally, contribute to your 401k, taking advantage of any matching or profit-sharing limits, to secure your long-term financial future.

Now that you’ve learned some essential steps for starting your life after graduation, from celebrating to refining skills and preparing finances, you’re equipped to start the next phase of your journey – looking for the right job. Channel the dedication you’ve shown through your academic years into finding the right career that feeds your passion and aligns with your long-term goals. Seize opportunities to gain experience and turn your dreams into a reality using careful planning into a successful and fulfilling career.

Rachel Caballero is the community and public relations manager at TruWest Credit Union.