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QCUSD: How to prepare for the new school year

A few tips to make going back to school a little easier

The new school year begins tomorrow in the Queen Creek Unified School District (QCUSD) and they’ve prepared a few tips to make going back to school a little easier.

Clean out closets, backpacks
Remember planning out your first day of school outfit or picking out a new backpack? The start of the school year is almost similar to celebrating the new year: “Out with the old, in with the new.” Even before picking up the new school supplies and outfits, use the summer time to clean out your student’s closet and room.

Cleaning out and organizing can be the fresh start your student needs. Find old clothes that no longer fit and donate them. Make sure to clean out any trash hiding in the back. If you are lucky, you may find that birthday gift card your student lost a while ago.

Plan an after-school schedule
Once kids go back to school, they will soon be going back into a routine. First hour is math, second hour is English, third hour is PE, and the schedule continues until the final bell. But it doesn’t need to stop there. Create a routine plan for when your student comes home. Have them take a 30-minute break before homework. During dinner, talk about what projects and events are coming up. You can include a schedule or a checklist and post it somewhere in the home. Most importantly, make sure you follow it too! Students learn by example, and seeing you keep to the schedule or list is encouraging.

Bonus: If everyone keeps to the routine, reward the family with a pizza night or ice cream.

Help your student prepare for change 
Change can be scary sometimes, but it’s important to remind your student that they are not alone. Maybe they are going to a new school, entering high school or going to kindergarten for the first time. Talk to your student about what they are looking forward to and maybe what they are nervous about. Set up goals on how to take on some of the things that scare them. Listening to them and understanding what they are experiencing will help prevent stress and strengthen your relationship.

Visit the school
All QCUSD schools offer campus tours. This is a great way to help them become familiar with their school. Meet the teacher night is also an excellent opportunity for students to learn more about their school. They get to meet their teacher(s), learn what is expected in class and visit the classroom.

Include notes of encouragement in their backpack or lunch
Although this is a tip to save for when school starts, you can start writing notes for your student now. Leaving notes for your student can help them in their first few days of school. It shows you are thinking of them when they are away. 

Bonus: Have more than one student in school? Have the siblings write a note to each other without them knowing.