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Top smart home tech trends for 2024

These emerging trends usher in a new era of immersive home experiences, heightened connectivity and unparalleled convenience.

It's 2024, new and updated technology has arrived, changing the landscape of smart homes. From intelligent voice assistants to televisions that immerse you in the experience of your favorite shows, these advancements cater to all your smart home needs. These emerging trends usher in a new era of immersive home experiences, heightened connectivity and unparalleled convenience.

Voice assistants

Voice assistants, familiar names like Alexa and Google Home, have been a part of our lives for years. In 2024, they are undergoing an evolution, becoming even more intelligent to assist with daily household tasks. Enhanced technology enables these voice assistants to process inquiries more effectively, delivering improved responses and even predicting user needs.

The best part about this technology is accessibility. You don’t need to invest in high-end devices to receive this new tech that can make your life easier. The latest technology is being integrated into affordable devices such as speakers, televisions and stand-alone voice assistants. In 2024, these devices are emerging as central hubs for home automation, enabling users to effortlessly control various devices, from coffee makers to televisions, using simple voice commands.

Smart lighting

Lighting systems have come a long way over the past few years. From only being an energy efficient device to now having multiple settings so you can change the color, hue, and temperature of lighting throughout your home. Advanced lighting solutions integrate easily with smart assistants allowing users to create personalized lighting situations for many different activities and moods.

From dynamic color changing bulbs that sync to movies, music and gaming systems to creating automated lighting schedules to help with your sleep pattern, smart lighting is enhancing both form and functionality. As homes become more connected, the ability to control the lighting and customize it as needed through detailed interfaces and voice commands. With these advancements smart lighting is becoming an essential feature to add to any home.

Sound systems

Audio technology is undergoing a revolution as new tech is allowing for more immersive experiences that transport listeners into their entertainment. For example, smart sound systems equipped with spatial audio bring a three-dimensional experience to movies, gaming and music.

Voice-controlled assistants allow users to control their audio systems and create environments for any mood. Whether it is simply changing the volume or going in depth with the settings so your movies pop with sound, new smart sound systems allow you to go as deep as you like when it comes to setting up your environment. Many smart speakers are including AI-driven personalization as well, allowing it to learn users’ music preferences so it will automatically change settings depending on the style of music you are listening to. The same is being done for gaming and movies so you receive a movie theater, if not better, experience at home.


Televisions are no longer just displays to show images on a screen. Smart televisions are now coming equipped with AI-driven content recommendations based on personal viewing experiences. So, if you are binge watching the latest season of "Yellowstone," the television can offer a few other options you might like to watch once you finish.

Voice-controlled remotes allow for easy access to content, settings and much more. Instead of searching for that settings button that seems to be hidden, simply speak into the remote and it will take you to the page you want. Furthermore, display technology has drastically improved over the past five years with technology such as UHD, 4K, Micro-LED, Nanotech and OLED. Each of these offer high quality viewing experiences, but make sure you investigate each style before going to the store to purchase because they have varying price points from a few hundred dollars to many thousands.

The smart home technology market for 2024 is marked by many innovations that will elevate the home entertainment experience. From intelligent voice assistants to help with daily tasks, to dynamic lighting that helps set the mood for any situation, to amazing advanced smart televisions that make you feel like are on the sideline at the Super Bowl or in the jungle with David Attenborough. These devices seamlessly integrate into home entertainment systems allow for unique experiences for the entire family. As these trends continue to evolve, the vision of a truly connected home is becoming more of a reality each year.

Jason Fischbeck is the owner of Automated Environments in Mesa.