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Don’t be surprised by Social Security taxes

Don’t be surprised by Social Security taxes

By knowing exactly what to expect from Social Security, including the tax effects, you can more effectively incorporate your benefits into your overall retirement income planning – and the better your plans, the more you’ll be able to enjoy your life as a retiree.                                                               
Mom, Interrupted: Hunkering down during pandemic was a game changer

Mom, Interrupted: Hunkering down during pandemic was a game changer

And now, almost two years to the day later, it’s time for me to trade my trusty fuzzy slippers for black suede pumps and my Zoom bathrobe for a blazer, cash in my 401k and buy a tank of gas, and head back into the office.


Choosing Queen Creek Unified School District means choosing arts programs that are thriving.
Six tips for coping with seasonal depression

Six tips for coping with seasonal depression

As the weather gets colder and the days get shorter, many of us may face seasonal affective disorder. Try practicing these tips to get back to appreciating life and spending time with your loved ones.
Mom, Interrupted: Birthdays now remind me of my mortality

Mom, Interrupted: Birthdays now remind me of my mortality

It should be noted that your knees may be a more affordable and dandy reminder of your mortality. I know mine talk to me constantly!
Pet Behavior Solutions: What the heck are Zoomies?

Pet Behavior Solutions: What the heck are Zoomies?

There seems to be a witching hour or two per day where some dogs are suddenly possessed. They look as if they are being chased by ghost predators and are running for their lives.