Christopher Hepworth, who teaches visual arts at Queen Creek High School, was named Educator of the Year by the Queen Creek Chamber of Commerce at its 14th annual Business Awards Dinner Sept. 28 at Encanterra Country Club.
Hepworth said on his Facebook page he was honored "being recognized as the Educator of the Year by the Queen Creek Chamber of Commerce. It has been a demanding year so far, so this was a heartwarming and memorable experience.
"I often get strong criticism for setting the standards and expectations I ask of my students because 'it’s just art.' But that is exactly what drives me to elevate art curriculum in our schools. That, and the potential I see in our emerging artists. I am grateful to have students that are patient and receptive, and the freedom to utilize the expertise I spent years, and tens of thousands of dollars to acquire," Hepworth continued. "I am deeply grateful to our QC community and its members for supporting and promoting education and for providing opportunities in which students can apply what they are learning beyond the boundaries of the classroom or campus. I am delighted to have met and worked with Nancy Utech and for her recognition of the value of visual arts in modern education. I hope to have more contacts, experiences and stories like this in the years to come."
Fellow Queen Creek Unified School District nominees for Educator of the Year included Lara Cox and Joshua Mattis.
“Congratulations to all winners and nominees,” said Chris Clark, president and CEO of the Queen Creek Chamber of Commerce. “This is never an easy process, all the nominees are doing such amazing work in the community. It’s the wonderful people in our community that make this a great place to live.”
The Queen Creek Chamber of Commerce, located at 22246 S. Ellsworth Road, was formed in 2002.