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Queen Creek Chamber of Commerce announces 39th Annual Holiday Festival & Parade

Queen Creek Chamber of Commerce announces 39th Annual Holiday Festival & Parade

This year's 39th Annual Queen Creek Holiday Festival & Parade event will take place on Saturday, Dec. 4, from 2 to 7 p.m., in the heart of downtown Queen Creek. This year’s theme is Christmas in Candyland.
Queen Creek Performing Arts Center hosting So Many Ways To Be Wicked camp

Queen Creek Performing Arts Center hosting So Many Ways To Be Wicked camp

Queen Creek Performing Arts Center is hosting a So Many Ways to be Wicked camp next month.
Ad questioning Arizona's Sen. Kelly on COVID-19 double standard released

Ad questioning Arizona's Sen. Kelly on COVID-19 double standard released

(Fairfax, Virginia) - The Alliance for Free Citizens released a web ad on Sept. 23 that has become available in Arizona demanding that U.S. Sen. Mark Kelly answer why U.S. citizens are treated worse than illegal aliens.
Local author releases second book in popular fantasy series

Local author releases second book in popular fantasy series

Just 10 months after East Valley resident Gaila Kline-Hobson fulfilled her lifelong dream of becoming an author, she released the second book in her spiritual fantasy series, “Power to Light the Way."
Queen Creek Recycles event happening in October

Queen Creek Recycles event happening in October

A Queen Creek Recycles event open to residents is coming up on Saturday, Oct. 9. Register by Monday, Oct. 4 to reserve your time and receive a Fast Pass.
Queen Creek Sun Times welcomes second reporter

Queen Creek Sun Times welcomes second reporter

On Sept. 23, we launched, your new local news website dedicated to sharing the news and community information that matters most to Queen Creek. Today, we welcome our second reporter to the community, Katherine Nowicki.
Queen Creek teen picked for 2021-22 NRS Show Team

Queen Creek teen picked for 2021-22 NRS Show Team

Mikayla Askey, 17, of Queen Creek was among those chosen to be a member of the 2021-22 NRS Show Team. On Aug. 7, NRS (National Roper’s Supply) inducted its fourth livestock Show Team.
Queen Creek area roadway restrictions through Oct. 3

Queen Creek area roadway restrictions through Oct. 3

Travel advisory through Oct. 3. Queen Creek area roadway restrictions: Chandler Heights Road eastbound and westbound lane shifts from Power Road to Sossaman Road for roadway construction.
Sun setting over Queen Creek

Sun setting over Queen Creek

Queen Creek first municipality in Arizona to fully fund pension reserves

Queen Creek first municipality in Arizona to fully fund pension reserves

'Council has taken an aggressive approach to addressing pension debt,' says town manager