Queen Creek Council member Travis Padilla was recently appointed to serve as a representative on the Arizona Municipal Tax Code Commission by Senate President Warren Petersen.
The Municipal Tax Code Commission consists of nine mayors and council members of cities or towns that have adopted the Model City Tax Code. Of these individuals, five are appointed by the Governor and two each from the Senate President and Speaker of the House.
“It is an honor to be asked to serve on The Municipal Tax Code Commission,” said Padilla. “It will allow me greater opportunities to advocate for the best interests of taxpayers in Queen Creek and across the state by reviewing the Model City Tax Code.”
The Commission is created through State Statute and considers important business related to the Model City Tax Code. They also develop an annual report for the state legislature.
Queen Creek Council member Dawn Oliphant also serves as a representative on the Commission.
For information on the Queen Creek Town Council, visit QueenCreekAZ.gov/TownCouncil.